It's Tuesday, July 20, and I'm sitting on my Home Sweet Home couch as I write this. Since I last wrote on Friday SO much has happened.
Friday evening was the last day of camp, not only for me, but for the 12-14 year old campers who had attended all week. After the normal evening program - singing, skits, speaker - the campers started giving testimonies and thank yous. They spoke in Albanian but it didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what was being said as there were tears everywhere. This hadn't occurred on the last night of the previous two camps of younger children but this particular group was very emotional about leaving their new friends, saying good-bye to the loving relationships they had formed with the staff and volunteers, and for so many of them, the acceptance of Jesus Christ into their lives. After sharing the campers left the meeting hall and gathered in their groups for one last time. There they prayed together, gave special thanks to their group, and received a book "First Bible Words" that was filled with bible stories both in Albanian and English. Afterwards everyone gathered for a huge bonfire, and believe me when I say HUGE (over 12' tall, shooting sparks, intense heat). The previous two camp's Friday night bonfires had been large, but manageable, and everyone had stood around the bonfire pit and sang songs. But not this night as the heat was so intense everyone backed off, covering their faces and turning their backs. Many of the campers walked around in search of various staff and volunteers. I was particularly touched when a young Albanian boy sought out four of the Hollywood Presbyterian high school boys to emotionally hug and thank them. It's doubtful those four young men had any idea of the impact they had made on this camper's, and I'm confident other's, lives.
Now, here is when the fun starts (just kidding). The bonfire died down to almost nothing, the area was unlit, and the dark sky was full of beautiful twinkling stars when I walked to the end of the two foot retaining wall I was standing on. I stepped down with my left foot, totally misjudged the distance to the ground, landed on uneven sloped grass, my left foot twisted out from under me, and I went down hard landing on my left elbow. I immediately grabbed my arm confident I had broken it as the pain was so intense I felt like I was going to pass out. I probably laid there, rocking and moaning, a couple of minutes before I even realized my foot was also really hurting. When I reached down to touch my foot I felt an egg sized lump on the left side and the entire foot was swelling by the minute. Oh great, my last night in Albania, I start traveling the next day, and I'm going to end up in the hospital unable to make it home. Well, fortunately, that didn't happen but I did go to bed in pain, wondering what condition I would awake in.
Saturday morning found my swollen, black and blue foot wrapped in an ace bandage but able to hold a bit of my weight and an aching functioning arm that wouldn't fully extend. I threw stuff into my suitcase and after saying my good-byes to the Hollywood team and the Stoscher children, Mark drove me to where the fugon (mini-bus) was waiting. The very old faded brown Mercedes Benz 12-passenger mini-bus was already full with 15 people when I arrived. I made 16. My suitcase was thrown on the floor and I did what I could to protect my foot. I couldn't even guess how old the van was but there was nothing "nice" about it as the interior was all exposed metal except for the seat cushions, visible duct tape and ropes held things together, there were no seat belts, and the speedometer didn't work. I quickly said a prayer and off we went. Fortunately within fifteen minutes enough people had gotten off at various stops that we were no longer squished. I was traveling with Liz, the camp nurse for the past three weeks, Emily, a 15-year old camp volunteer, and a camp staffer along with various Albanians. Liz and Emily, both Americans, lived in Tirana and Liz was fluent in Albanian. After an hour's drive we arrived in the city of Korce where we changed fugons. Liz handled everything and soon we were on our way, just the four of us, to Tirana in a VW 9-passenger van which, although old, was in much better shape than the previous fugon. Given my injured state I was given the front seat which I greatly appreciated. Unfortunately sitting in the front seat afforded me the opportunity to witness how Albanians really drive. Remember in a previous posting I mentioned that laws were merely suggestions or guidelines? Well, that definitely held true when it came to driving. To put it in a nutshell - the road was one lane in each direction and mostly through the mountains. Drivers pass when and where they want - around corners, within inches of other vehicles, and do not slow down or stop for pedestrians (no right of way there). Other drivers stop and park wherever they want so moving traffic (us) have to swerve and maneuver around them. It was amazing I wasn't a nervous wreck when we arrived in Tirana four and half hours later. Oh, did I mention Albanians think air conditioning makes them sick so most of our trip we were dripping in sweat and when we arrived in Tirana it was 95 degrees with a heat index of 120? Oh well, just another part of the adventure.
Emily's father picked us up at the fugon station and took Emily and I to their air conditioned (yes!) Tirana flat which was very nice. Tirana is large with about a million people all hoping to be a hip western European city. The fashion was FAR less conversative than I had seen previously, lots of traffic, crazy drivers, tall buildings, parks, billboards - well, you get it, a city. After resting a bit I went to Saturday evening church with Emily and her parents, enjoyed a pizza dinner, repacked my suitcase since everything had previously been tossed into it, and hit the hay about 11:30 p.m. Then it was up at 4:00 a.m. to get to the airport for my 6:00 a.m. flight. Emily's dad drove me and got me settled in at the airport. I could limp on my foot but at a turtle's pace so I really appreciated his help. They were wonderful people to take me in and I surely appreciate the security and safety I felt being with them.
I know this posting is quite long so I"ll quickly summarize the rest of my trip home. I arrived in overcast and chilly Munich at 7:30 a.m. Sunday morning but my flight to San Francisco didn't leave until 4:15 p.m. so I had a day to kill. I had originally planned to leave the airport but given my handicap state, and the fact I didn't see even one motorized transport that would normally help passengers who can't walk distances, I decided to spend the day in the airport. I found an out-of-the-way spot, propped my leg up, watched a movie on my netbook, read, enjoyed a German lunch (and beer of course), hobbled my way out to the gate, and watched another movie until boarding time. The flight was 12 hours and I was able to stretch out my leg and prop it up on my carry-on bag as I had changed my seat assignment when I first arrived in Munich. The flight was fortuneately uneventful and I arrived in San Francisco at 7:00 p.m. Sunday evening. It took me forever to walk from the plane to baggage claim and through customs (where are those motorized transports when you need them?) but I finally hobbled out of customs dragging my suitcase with my good arm to see Rod standing there with a huge smile and a beautiful boutique of roses. I was so happy to see him and so tired from traveling and dragging my foot around that I fell into his arms and started crying. I was so glad to be home!
Every aspect of my visit to Albania stretched me way out of my comfort zone but I loved it all. I learned a lot about myself, my ability to be flexible (not everything has to be planned to the ninth degree), and how to truly serve. It was a faith building experience that I was both blessed and privileged to be a part of and one I will never forget. Thanks be to God for putting Albania and the Stoscher's ministry there in my mind and on my heart.
As a side note - I had my arm and foot x-rayed on Monday and there's no broken bones. Just damaged nerves in my arm and torn muscles, tendons, and ligaments in my foot. Nothing that won't heal in time. Thank God!
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Last Day at Camp
Today is bittersweet as it's my last day at camp which means I have to say good-bye to all my new friends from all over the globe. The camp staff is a group of absolutely wonderful young adults who love the Lord and love what they are doing. Some are local residents while others are from various countries like Kosovo, Finland, England, and America. Most have made a commitment to be part of the camp for the entire summer but others are here for shorter durations. All the staff speak English which has allowed me to converse and to get to know them. They've all been so welcoming and I'm in total admiration of their spirit, energy, and commitment.
This week, especially the last couple of days, has been quite hot in the mid-80s but due to the humidity it's felt more like mid-nineties. Sweat just pours down our backs and if you sit for too long you find yourself standing up with wet pants! Mark Stoscher told me that this is the hottest it gets here - lucky us. The favorite job this week has been working at the pool - can you guess why?
Tomorrow I will make the journey north to Tirana but how I'm getting there is still a bit up in the air. I may ride a bus full of campers or I might end up taking a small shuttle bus for the five to six hour drive. Arrangements and schedules are very fluid here in Albania so I'll go with the flow confident that something will be worked out in the morning. Once I get to Tirana I'll spend the night in the home of a missionary family who are friends of the Stoschers and whose two teenagers have been volunteering at camp for the past two weeks. It's up early on Sunday morning to catch my 6:00 a.m. flight from Tirana to Munich, then lay over in Munich for nine hours, and then fly 12.5 hours to San Francisco. Home Sweet Home awaits!
This week, especially the last couple of days, has been quite hot in the mid-80s but due to the humidity it's felt more like mid-nineties. Sweat just pours down our backs and if you sit for too long you find yourself standing up with wet pants! Mark Stoscher told me that this is the hottest it gets here - lucky us. The favorite job this week has been working at the pool - can you guess why?
Tomorrow I will make the journey north to Tirana but how I'm getting there is still a bit up in the air. I may ride a bus full of campers or I might end up taking a small shuttle bus for the five to six hour drive. Arrangements and schedules are very fluid here in Albania so I'll go with the flow confident that something will be worked out in the morning. Once I get to Tirana I'll spend the night in the home of a missionary family who are friends of the Stoschers and whose two teenagers have been volunteering at camp for the past two weeks. It's up early on Sunday morning to catch my 6:00 a.m. flight from Tirana to Munich, then lay over in Munich for nine hours, and then fly 12.5 hours to San Francisco. Home Sweet Home awaits!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
High schoolers getting decked out, fancy hair-dos, and high heels - sounds like prom doesn't it? Here in Albania there's a special event called Maturant and I thoroughly enjoyed being a part of it last night. The graduating seniors finished high school sometime in June but after completing their secondary education (primary education is 1st to 8th grades and is compulsory - secondary education is optional) they are required to take graduation exams. As I understand they are required to take a written math and literature exam and two other exams of the student's choice depending on their university preference. These exams just finished up last week so the seniors (I'm actually not sure what they are called here) were ready to celebrate!
The formal graduation was yesterday morning and then in the evening after dark, the Maurant celebration began. In the center of town, about two long blocks in length, the town's people, 1000 plus, gathered in the middle of the road, leaving an area of about three feet between two walls of people. Loud, bass-thudding, music played over loud speakers and the seniors walked arm in arm with a partner up and down the created people corridor. They looked very serious and didn't crack a smile unless someone tapped them or stopped them for a picture. Back and forth, back and forth they walked for an hour - amazing given the high heels on some of the young ladies. All the ladies were dressed to the nines with hair elaborately done, fancy dresses, and very high heels. The young men, on the other hand, were either dressed in silk suits or very casual jeans. Afterwards the seniors went to a restaurant for a late dinner and traditional dancing until the wee hours of the morning. One of the seniors on the camp's staff told me the celebrating went until 6:00 a.m. this morning - why she was at camp early this afternoon is beyond me.
I truly enjoyed being part of this cultural celebration and am so glad I was here to witness it.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
More Pictures From Camp
I spent another hot wonderful day at camp in the crafts area. The morning craft was the same as yesterday but a different group rotated through. This afternoon the free time activity was face painting - something I've never done before (I guess I live a sheltered life!). I had lots of fun painting faces although my perfectionist way was definitely challenged and I had to live with lines that just weren't straight. Just another one of those "outside my comfort zone" type of experiences.
The most requested face art was the German and Brazil flag (because of World Cup Soccer) so I got pretty good at those. Flowers were also popular. I thought you might enjoy some more pictures from camp.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
A Day at Camp
It's Tuesday late afternoon as I write this. I have been at camp all day which has really been a wonderful change. It was hot today, I'm guessing mid 80s, and I was able to spend the entire day outside. After breakfast the campers have a devotional time, a little down time to run around, and some singing before they go to their morning stations. This week's camp is 135 children aged 12-14 years old and they are broken into groups for the week. Each morning the groups spend 2 hours at a different station - ropes course/crafts; swimming; canoeing; archery; games in the walnut grove - so that by the end of the week they've been to all the stations. I worked in the crafts area which was really fun - I had forgotten how glitter goes everywhere!
For the first time this year the camp has an above ground swimming pool which they are very excited about. Many children have never been in a pool so the experience is a especially unique and somewhat scary one. Albanians equate wet and cold to getting sick so the children are afraid to get into a cold pool. Albanians don't drink cold liquids (a challenge when kids are running a fever at camp), they don't splash in rain puddles, or even go out in the rain. To help reduce the children's fear they are allowed in the pool in 15 minute intervals so they don't get chilled and warm up between turns. After lunch the children have 1.5 hours of quiet time and then for 2 hours they have free time where they can choose the craft station (where I was), swimming, playing cards, soccer, or just hanging out with their friends. Then, the next two hours they have the option of the rock wall and ropes course or organized games. Dinner at 7:00 p.m. then an evening program of singing, skits, and speaker time. Here are a few pictures I thought you'd enjoy from camp today (oops, got a picture in there of the playground at Mark's house and I can't figure out out to delete it.).
Monday, July 12, 2010
Monday, July 12
I'm writing this on Monday afternoon and soon Mark will arrive with the Hollywood Presbyterian team. The Stoscher kids and I slept in and then enjoyed a breakfast of french toast. The sun has been shining so the laundry dried, all the beds are made, and the house is ready for the new team. I even had the chance to wash my hair and actually dry it with a hair dryer! I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but believe me if you'd seen my curly frizzy hair (sans hair dryer) you'd understand what a big treat it was. Hopefully I'll be able to enjoy non-frizzy hair for a few days before I have to wash it again and let it dry naturally. With so many people sharing two bathrooms and the high cost of electricity hair dryers weren't to be used when Dundee was here. The same will hold true when the new team arrives so believe me, today was a special treat.
Tonight Hollywood Pres and I will eat dinner at camp and starting tomorrow the plan is that I'll be working with the camp kids. A new adventure awaits as I haven't had a chance yet to work at camp.
Tonight Hollywood Pres and I will eat dinner at camp and starting tomorrow the plan is that I'll be working with the camp kids. A new adventure awaits as I haven't had a chance yet to work at camp.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Sunday - A Day of Rest?
This morning started out warm and overcast. Church worship began at 10:00 a.m. but that's Albanian time so that means everyone starts to arrive around that time and as each person enters the sanctuary they hug and kiss everyone who arrived before them - service actually began around 10:20 a.m. This morning's service took place inside, not outside like last week, and the small sanctuary was full with about 70 people - a lot of them were the young adults who are on staff at the camp. We sang Albanian praise songs (it was fun to recognize some of the tunes and to sing along in English), an offering was taken, the sermon was given by Eric Grundy, Mark's right-hand man, and we took communion. The entire service was in Albanian except the sermon which was delivered in English and translated to Albanian. The service was very simple and informal, and even though I didn't understand any of the Albanian, it was very worshipful. To help you imagine what Mark's church looks like I've included some pictures I took at last week's service.
As I sat in worship I recalled a conversation in which Mark explained that 20 years ago his church could not have existed as there were no churches in Albania at that time. During communist rule religion was outlawed. Churches and mosques were closed or destroyed and those found to be practicing their faith were either imprisoned or killed. In fact, in 1967 the communist declared Albania the first atheist state in the world and it remained so until late 1990. Can you imagine the freedom of religion not existing in your life? I can't.
After some fellowship time in the church's backyard (thanks again to all those who sent Kool-Aid as it's the beverage of choice), the kids and I walked across the street to their home. The washing machine has been running non-stop as I try to get all the bed linens washed. European machines are quite small and the wash cycle takes two hours so the process is slow. In addition God added his sense of humor as three loads were drying on the clothes line when all of a sudden there was a roar of thunder and it started to pour. Oh well, so much for dry linens. The sun came out, I hung up another load, and again God chuckled and provided more rain. When the next load is done it will have to be hung around the house as there is no more room on the clothes line. This afternoon the kids and I cleaned - the boys cleaned their room and Becca sweep the entire house (lots of tile flooring) while I cleaned bathrooms and vacuumed. Hopefully tomorrow I'll have some dry linens so I can start making beds for the Hollywood Presbyterian team that arrives Monday afternoon.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
The Team's Last Day
Friday was Dundee's last full day in Erseke. The roof crew finished the roof framing which they felt really great about - it's always such a good feeling when you are able to complete what you set out to do. The roof was really steep (see picture below) and I'm so glad it wasn't me that had to work on it. The roofers did an outstanding job, often when it was quite hot, and now it's ready for the next stage which I'm guessing will be completed by another work crew. It didn't look like the playground was going to get finished but the roofers got done early and added some extra muscle and manpower to the job - and wella, the playground got finished as far as our crew could go (the picture below isn't a good one of the team but it does show you the playground).
This morning there were many hugs and tears as the team, along with Ruthie, her oldest daughter Abby, Ruthie's parents, and her niece, Ashley, left on the bus to head back to Durres. The team flies out of Tirana early Sunday morning and Ruthie & family are heading to Pasadena, CA where her parents are retiring at Westminister Gardens - a retirement community for missionaries. Ruthie, Abby, and Ashley will spend a week helping grandma and grandpa get unpacked and settled and then all five of them fly to Wisconsin for a family wedding. Everyone headed out about 10:30 a.m. on the bus joined by the Boston/France team and will spend the night in Durres (same city we stayed at in the beginning of our trip). Mark went with them and on Sunday evening a high school team from Hollywood Presbyterian flies in. That team, and Mark, will spend the night in Durres and will take the drive to Erseke, arriving sometime late Monday afternoon.
After the bus drove away the house seemed strangely quiet. The energy was gone and it was eerily quiet as the Stoscher's three youngest children - Becca, 12; James 9; and Stephen, 7 - and I re-entered the house and realized we were by ourselves. The children felt sad as they didn't know when they would see their grandparents again, and they had to say good-bye to their mother, sister, and cousin. Ruthie will be gone for two weeks, Abby will be gone for four weeks as she flies to Austria after the family wedding to spend two weeks at a Torchbearer's School (Mark's winter bible school is a Torchbearer's School), and Ashley will return to her home in Pakistan. To help take the kid's minds off of saying good-bye the boys and I played a game of Disney Monopoly and Becca cuddled with their new kitten. A little later I made lunch, we picked clover grass for their 72 pet tortoises, and then we walked downtown for an ice cream treat. The rest of the day promises to be fairly quiet as I wash the bed linens and prepare the house for Hollywood Presbyterian.
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Dundee Presbyterian - My Group
Thursday was a pretty quiet day after our busy day in Bilisht. The roofers were wrapping up the framing and the playground is close to being done. The sun was shining but it was cool and windy - great for the roofers. Personally I had a fairly quiet day as I worked on my bible study preparation, grocery shopped, and prepared meals. I'm sure glad I don't prepare food for 28 people all the time! It's never ending.
As you know, I joined a group of 18 from Dundee Presbyterian Church but I've never told you much about them. Dundee is located in Omaha, Nebraska and the church was established in 1901. Currently their congregation has about 1,000 members. Dundee started bringing groups to Erseke in 2000. That first trip consisted of college students and adults and they came to build the playground at House of Hope. At that time there was no playground in Erseke and Mark's vision was to build one and use it as a form of outreach to the community. In 2002 a Dundee team came for the purpose of doing outreach youth ministry in a nearby village and they have continued to send a team every other year . In 2000 when Dundee first started coming to Albania, Jeff Chapman was their youth pastor - many of you know Jeff as he grew up at Trinity with Mark Stoscher, hence the tie to Alongside Ministries and Mark's work here. Jeff has since left Dundee and now pastors a church in Sacramento, but Dundee continues to be very supportive of Alongside Ministries and Mark & Ruthie's ministry.
Our group is led by a couple who have led the past four trips (ironically the husband is a State Farm Insurance Agent - small world isn't it?). This year's team is the largest and up until now the team has always consisted of adults. Their team this year consists of a family of six whose children are aged 10, 13, 15, and 17; three couples; and seven of us who are "single" travelers. Of those seven, one is a 21-year old young man (who is now hobbling around on crutches after his slip on the roof), and six women including myself - one is the young adult, Jen Hicks, who was a bible student this past winter at Mark's bible school (her parents are one of the couples). One of the "single" ladies is not from Dundee but from an intercity Omaha church who has gotten to know the team since February when they started their team meetings. It's a pretty diversified group with ages ranging from 10 years old to 71 years old. We all have different talents and strengths and it's really awesome how God has chosen to use each one of us. The two youngest members love the interaction with the camp kids so they are there most days just playing alongside the kids. Our 71 year old member, Maxine, is truly amazing - she even climbed the rock wall and completed the ropes course! Maxine adds an interesting aspect to the trip as she is black and people of color just aren't seen much in Albania. She has a beautiful bright inviting smile as her face welcomes everyone who looks at her. While we were in Duress at the beginning of the trip, children would stare at her with their mouths open and as Maxine smiled and motioned for them to approach her they would stroke her skin and touch her short spiked hair. The first day in Durres Maxine and I were walking down the beach together talking and I noticed adults and children alike were staring at us. In Erseke people stare also and if we were at camp more she'd be getting a lot of attention. Maxine has been treated with respect, but that is not normally the case with anyone of color. The gypsies (called Roma here) are very discriminated against. There are only a few families in Erseke but they are treated badly and the children end up dropping out of school because they are so teased and taunted. There is one Roma family with two girls aged 15 and 16 who are good friends of the Stoschers. They had dropped out of school due to the way they were treated and as of four years ago they couldn't even read. Mark & Ruthie hired a retired teacher to home school the girls at the Stoscher's home and now the two ladies are quickly catching up to their peers.
Each evening our team gathers for devotionals based on the "I am" statements of Christ as found in the book of John. A different pair of members pre-prepared each devotional and the wife of our leader couple combined these devotionals with very insightful information about all the names of God as found in the Hebrew Scriptures. (Did you know God had 23+ names, and that each name described one of his attributes?) She put this together in a book form which we received at the beginning of the trip and each day we study that day's devotional, read scripture, and answer the written questions prior to our meeting. All four children participate also and it's unbelievable how faithful, bible-read, and insightful they are. They all pray in a beautiful articulate manner which certainly humbles me and they add a youthful energy and vision to our group which everyone really enjoys.
As you know, I joined a group of 18 from Dundee Presbyterian Church but I've never told you much about them. Dundee is located in Omaha, Nebraska and the church was established in 1901. Currently their congregation has about 1,000 members. Dundee started bringing groups to Erseke in 2000. That first trip consisted of college students and adults and they came to build the playground at House of Hope. At that time there was no playground in Erseke and Mark's vision was to build one and use it as a form of outreach to the community. In 2002 a Dundee team came for the purpose of doing outreach youth ministry in a nearby village and they have continued to send a team every other year . In 2000 when Dundee first started coming to Albania, Jeff Chapman was their youth pastor - many of you know Jeff as he grew up at Trinity with Mark Stoscher, hence the tie to Alongside Ministries and Mark's work here. Jeff has since left Dundee and now pastors a church in Sacramento, but Dundee continues to be very supportive of Alongside Ministries and Mark & Ruthie's ministry.
Our group is led by a couple who have led the past four trips (ironically the husband is a State Farm Insurance Agent - small world isn't it?). This year's team is the largest and up until now the team has always consisted of adults. Their team this year consists of a family of six whose children are aged 10, 13, 15, and 17; three couples; and seven of us who are "single" travelers. Of those seven, one is a 21-year old young man (who is now hobbling around on crutches after his slip on the roof), and six women including myself - one is the young adult, Jen Hicks, who was a bible student this past winter at Mark's bible school (her parents are one of the couples). One of the "single" ladies is not from Dundee but from an intercity Omaha church who has gotten to know the team since February when they started their team meetings. It's a pretty diversified group with ages ranging from 10 years old to 71 years old. We all have different talents and strengths and it's really awesome how God has chosen to use each one of us. The two youngest members love the interaction with the camp kids so they are there most days just playing alongside the kids. Our 71 year old member, Maxine, is truly amazing - she even climbed the rock wall and completed the ropes course! Maxine adds an interesting aspect to the trip as she is black and people of color just aren't seen much in Albania. She has a beautiful bright inviting smile as her face welcomes everyone who looks at her. While we were in Duress at the beginning of the trip, children would stare at her with their mouths open and as Maxine smiled and motioned for them to approach her they would stroke her skin and touch her short spiked hair. The first day in Durres Maxine and I were walking down the beach together talking and I noticed adults and children alike were staring at us. In Erseke people stare also and if we were at camp more she'd be getting a lot of attention. Maxine has been treated with respect, but that is not normally the case with anyone of color. The gypsies (called Roma here) are very discriminated against. There are only a few families in Erseke but they are treated badly and the children end up dropping out of school because they are so teased and taunted. There is one Roma family with two girls aged 15 and 16 who are good friends of the Stoschers. They had dropped out of school due to the way they were treated and as of four years ago they couldn't even read. Mark & Ruthie hired a retired teacher to home school the girls at the Stoscher's home and now the two ladies are quickly catching up to their peers.
Each evening our team gathers for devotionals based on the "I am" statements of Christ as found in the book of John. A different pair of members pre-prepared each devotional and the wife of our leader couple combined these devotionals with very insightful information about all the names of God as found in the Hebrew Scriptures. (Did you know God had 23+ names, and that each name described one of his attributes?) She put this together in a book form which we received at the beginning of the trip and each day we study that day's devotional, read scripture, and answer the written questions prior to our meeting. All four children participate also and it's unbelievable how faithful, bible-read, and insightful they are. They all pray in a beautiful articulate manner which certainly humbles me and they add a youthful energy and vision to our group which everyone really enjoys.
Bilisht Carnival
After numerous hairpin turns down the mountains to leave Erseke (and quite a few queasy stomachs later) we drove through the large city of Korce, northeast of Erseke, and headed east to the village of Bilisht. It is called a village, and in my mind that denotes a community smaller than a town, but in this case "the village" had a population of 12,000 but has more of a village attitude than some smaller towns. We didn't see much of Bilisht has we headed right for the Evangelical Church of Bilisht. The beautiful large church was accessible by a dirt road (later we learned the building was only three years old) and is part of the evangelical group of churchs in Korce, Erseke (Mark's church), and one other town. We were met by the Albanian pastor and his wife, learned a little about the church, and then divided into groups of three for the purpose of walking through the town and handing out small flyers announcing our carnival which was later in the day. Each group had a teenage Albanian guide so my group of three women was guided by 17-year old Gersa who spoke fairly good English. Each group was assigned a section within walking distance - some just walked the streets where they found many children to give the flyers to, but our group set out for an area of homes on a dirt road not far from the church. Our task was to knock on doors, hand out the flyers, and invite the residents to the carnival. I was very impressed with the size of the homes and the beautiful vegetable and flower gardens in front of most of the homes. Each home was enclosed with a stone wall and gate. The experience was really unique and one that touched my heart deeply.
Imagine this, three foreigners who don't speak your language, knock on your door with a teenage Albanian young lady. Each of us greet the resident with a hand shake and a "Miredita" (Good day). In Albanian Gersa explains who we are and that we are throwing a carnival at the church. Every resident was open and friendly, so different than how we often greet strangers who appear at our front doors. After a short conversation in Albanian we were often invited in for a visit - and we don't even speak their language! A visit in Albanian is a "come on in, sit a while, let me serve you coffee, chocolate, biscuits, wine, and more food than you can eat. I'll serve you and watch you eat while we talk" type of visit. One family was eating lunch and they invited us in to join them! How often do we treat our guests this way? We had to refuse each invitation which in Albania is rude but we had our guide explain we needed to pass out the flyers and get back to the church for lunch. Hopefully that helped but I'm guessing we were still seen as rude. Once we refused their kind offer to visit, they'd disappear into their home and come out with a glass container of candy and offer us one. We'd often comment on their beautiful flowers, grape vines, and garden and before we knew it they were clipping flowers off their plants and handing them to us. I collected quite a few absolutely beautiful yellow, pink, and orange roses. One knock-on -the door resulted in a difficult conversation - remember everything said is being translated back and forth and although Gersa was doing her best there were many English words she didn't know which made translating challenging for her. The Albanian lady we were talking to explained that her 10-year son, Aleks, has a disease in his legs and they don't have the medicine he needs in Albania. At one point we got the impression she was asking us to either take him to America for medicine or to bring him medicine, we weren't sure. He had an operation in Greece on one leg but the other was bad. She then turned to me and asked if I had children. When I said "po" (yes), she asked me if they were healthy. I said "po" and she asked me to think of Aleks as my child. On my gosh, put a knife in my heart but I immediately assured her that I would pray for Aleks like he was my child. The other two ladies also told her they would both pray for Aleks. During our talk Aleks came riding up on a bike but when he got off we could see that his legs were bent strangely from the knees down and he walked with difficulty. One of the ladies in my group was a pediatric nurse and she thought it might be a form of arthritis.
That difficult conversation ended our handing out flyers, and with our hands full of candies and flowers we headed back to the church for a lunch of Byrek (layers of phyllo dough filled with herbed feta cheese) and watermelon. Afterwards we heard the pastor's very heartfelt testimony of how he came to Christ after communism fell in the early nineties and then we set up for the carnival. We decorated the large hall with balloons and set up games like bowling (with empty soda bottles), bean bag toss, fishing for prizes, ring toss, coin toss, face painting, balloon animals, and musical chairs. The carnival was to start at 5:00 but children started lining up outside the church at 4:15. Earlier Gersa had asked us three ladies if we'd like to go to her neighborhood and see her house but we had told her we couldn't as we had to be back at church for lunch. We told her that we might have time in the afternoon, and sure enough, she came to the church at 4:15 and asked if we could come, so we did. Her home, which was a 10 minute walk down paved roads, was the second story of a two-story building. We removed our shoes, customary before entering any Albanian home, and she immediately ushered us to her room which looked like a living room. It had two couches, an amoire, and a coffee table - nothing personal. She told us she slept on the couch (maybe it pulled flat like a futon) and she was so proud to show us her Albanian bible and devotional. We were introduced to her parents and were asked if we could stay for a "visit". We said we couldn't but before we knew it mom had disappeared. We talked a short time and then as we were putting on our shoes mom came rushing up the steps with a bag from the market. It was so important to them to be hospitable so we just couldn't leave although we knew we'd be late getting back to church. She reappeared with a silver tray and crystal glasses filled with carbonated lemonade and candies. We graciously toasted Gersa and her parents, "Faleminderit" (thank-you) over and over again, then we said good-bye. Rushing back we saw children running down the streets towards the church and when we got to the church lots of children were waiting outside. Once inside we took our stations and the children started coming in. I was in charge of the bean bag toss, shouting "Bravo" every time a child got a bean bag into a bowl and giving out small prizes when a child made two successful tosses. The room was filled to capacity with children and parents laughing and having a good time (we figure about 250 children participated). It was so hot and sweaty and within an hour we had almost run out of prizes (and believe me, Dundee Presbyterian had brought suitcases filled with carnival supplies and prizes so there was lots of stuff). The stickers that many of you sent were used by the children to decorate small colorful bags that held all their treasured prizes. After a short message from Mark and the church's pastor the carnival ended a bit earlier than planned, we cleaned up, and headed home, stopping in Korce for a dinner of vegetable antipasti, greek salad, french fries, grilled pork chops and pork roast (Pork? In a country of Muslim background? Yep, they eat a lot of pork, normally in the form of ham and salami). Overall, the day was rewarding on so many levels and as we rode back after dinner in the dark I very thoughtfully listened to Amy Grant sing Christian songs on my iPod with complete contentment.
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
40 Days of Mourning Over
Yesterday, July 5, marked 40 days of mourning for the family whose daughter was killed tragically during a church youth group hike. As I mentioned earlier the family does not leave their home for 40 days except to visit their daughter's grave site each morning. During this time they are not left alone as family and friends are constantly with them. Extended family members bring meals. Monday night the extended family along with Mark & Ruthie gathered at the mourning home and yesterday broke the 40 days of mourning. About 100 friends and family members gathered at the mourning home and then all walked to the grave site together. As told to me by Ruthie an formal ceremony doesn't take place at the grave site but as per the Albanian custom the mother wails, the parents talk and wail to the girl "why did you leave us" sort of stuff, lots of crying, and there is fainting from emotion. The gathering is not a celebration of life, but a true painful part of mourning. Afterwards everyone gathered for lunch and Ruth said the whole ritual is a very sad and difficult. The mother will wear black the rest of her life and there will be intervals where this mourning ritual will be repeated. I certainly respect the pain these people are feeling but I am very grateful that my faith gives me hope, peace, and comfort as I believe our earthly life is just a bridge to eternal life with God.
On the home front I worked on the playground this morning which is in Mark & Ruthie's front yard (the yard is enclosed with a stone wall). It's a 10-year old wooden playground that has rotting wood that needs replacing, and lot of scraping and sanding to prepare it for staining. Ruthie just explained to me that this playground is used as an outreach to the community. During the summer, five nights a week, the playground is open to the town's children for an hour and during the winter it's available on the weekends. She said the playground gets lots of use and they've been worried about it getting older and not being as safe as it should be. I feel privileged that we are fixing it up and in that way are also being a part of the church's outreach to the community. As I mentioned earlier I am now very involved in meal preparation so while Mark & Ruthie were at the mourning ritual I prepared lunch, and then went to the market to buy food for dinner. After coming home I prepped the meal, cleaned up, and then helped Ruthie hang the laundry. Albanians have washing machines but they hang their laundry out to dry - even in the winter when temperatures are below freezing. I haven't hung laundry on a clothes line since I was a little girl - it was kinda cool.
Yesterday our team had two mishaps. One of the roofers - a 21-year old young man - slipped on the very steep roof and twisted his ankle very badly. He was taken to the hospital where the doctor and nurse from our team met him. They x-rayed his ankle - only $5 with socialized medicine - but the good news was that it wasn't broken. Also, today one of our roofers got heat stroke but once again it was great to have medical help as part of our team.
Today we are heading to a village called Bilisht, about an 1.5 hours north east of here, real close to the Greek border. In a church there we will hold a carnival for the village's children. It will be a long day as we'll leave right after breakfast, and once there we'll walk through the village and pass out flyers about the carnival. The carnival will be held in the early evening so by the time we have dinner afterwards we'll get back to Ersekse late. More about the carnival tomorrow.
On the home front I worked on the playground this morning which is in Mark & Ruthie's front yard (the yard is enclosed with a stone wall). It's a 10-year old wooden playground that has rotting wood that needs replacing, and lot of scraping and sanding to prepare it for staining. Ruthie just explained to me that this playground is used as an outreach to the community. During the summer, five nights a week, the playground is open to the town's children for an hour and during the winter it's available on the weekends. She said the playground gets lots of use and they've been worried about it getting older and not being as safe as it should be. I feel privileged that we are fixing it up and in that way are also being a part of the church's outreach to the community. As I mentioned earlier I am now very involved in meal preparation so while Mark & Ruthie were at the mourning ritual I prepared lunch, and then went to the market to buy food for dinner. After coming home I prepped the meal, cleaned up, and then helped Ruthie hang the laundry. Albanians have washing machines but they hang their laundry out to dry - even in the winter when temperatures are below freezing. I haven't hung laundry on a clothes line since I was a little girl - it was kinda cool.
Yesterday our team had two mishaps. One of the roofers - a 21-year old young man - slipped on the very steep roof and twisted his ankle very badly. He was taken to the hospital where the doctor and nurse from our team met him. They x-rayed his ankle - only $5 with socialized medicine - but the good news was that it wasn't broken. Also, today one of our roofers got heat stroke but once again it was great to have medical help as part of our team.
Today we are heading to a village called Bilisht, about an 1.5 hours north east of here, real close to the Greek border. In a church there we will hold a carnival for the village's children. It will be a long day as we'll leave right after breakfast, and once there we'll walk through the village and pass out flyers about the carnival. The carnival will be held in the early evening so by the time we have dinner afterwards we'll get back to Ersekse late. More about the carnival tomorrow.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
A Walk to Camp
As I've mentioned before the group is staying at Mark's house and we walk 15 minutes to get to camp. "Camp" is not what we think of as "camp" - Calvin Crest, Westminster Woods, or even Huddard Park. The actual camp's grounds are quite small and consist of a long rectangular building (see pictures posted previously) which holds the boy's sleeping rooms, the kitchen, a meeting hall, the girl's sleeping rooms, some staff sleeping space, and a few small classrooms. Directly across from this building is an outdoor eating area, a volleyball sand area, a storage shed, and the rock wall/ropes course. The camp is located in what feels like the outskirts of town. Because camp is small they utilize areas outside of camp, like the walnut grove, a field and Mark's church for various activities.
Things have changed for us as this weekend two groups from Boston/France and England arrived to help. There is so much help this week that they can't use us all at camp and there's not enough room for the large 9-11 year old camp (larger than last week), staff, and all the volunteers to eat there. In fact the Boston/France group (young adults from Boston partnering with a French group) are staying at a hotel, I'm not sure where the British group is staying. Anyway, our group will probably not be helping much with camp this week and we'll be eating all our meals at the Stoschers. Can you imagine cooking for 28 people, three meals a day for an entire week? The roofing crew is still able to work on the new roof but the rest of us will work on finishing up the playground restoration and getting involved in shopping and preparing food with Ruthie. I'm the organizer of that (not surprised are you?) so schedules are made and posted and I'll be involved myself a lot as I feel Ruthie should have as much support as possible although she is so gracious and is a wonderful hostess.
We enjoy our walk to camp (especially if it's not raining which it has done every afternoon) so I wanted to share with you some of what we see during that walk.
Erseke Sights and Sounds
After I finished my Sunday afternoon blog I was ready to walk around Erseke. By that time everyone who was going had already left so I set out on my own (I was told it was safe here to be on my own). Sure, I was stared at a lot but I said "hello" to everyone I passed and most would at least not their head. I never felt insecure or concerned for my safety so I just took in all the sights and sounds.
World Cup Soccer "football" is popular here and men gather in bars and coffee shops to watch the games together. It's common to see men gathered on corners and in bars but not so common to see women or children gather. The woman's role, especially those of marrying age, is a domestic one so when you see them about they are usually coming or going from the market or taking care of a task. Albanians I have been introduced to are warm and friendly, and even though I don't speak Albanian, we kiss on both checks and embrace each other.
Generally speaking Erseke has an unkept look. Weeds grow untamed, buildings are in need of repair or are deteriorating, garbage accumulates in roadside piles and litters the sidewalks, chickens roam freely, roosters crow all day, and there are many smells - some pleasant some not so. In spite of, but more appropriately because of, there is a beauty and charm here that would otherwise be missed - the starkness of bright red poppies against a crumbling stone wall; dark gray clouds contrasting against the blue skies and bright green mountains that surround the town; a street in town lined with 100' highpine trees (we are at 3500'); grape vines freely growing all over town budding with new life; the crackling of thunder, the wind that blows a storm in, and the fresh scent the rain brings; the quaint medieval feel of times past. There's a realness here where the superficialness of our lives back home is gone. It's not about having the most expensive car, jewelry, or Coach purse. It's not about perfect hair styles or having a different and new outfit everyday or going to Starbucks to get the perfect no-fat, no-whip, sugar-free double espresso vanilla latte and then getting mad when your order isn't right. Being here brings everything into perspective as it's back to basic needs and really seeing and appreciating God's creation and beauty around us.
Saturday in Erseke
I am writing this early Sunday afternoon after attending church service at Mark's church. The church building is a former home converted into a church with a small sanctuary, a few classrooms, and a front and backyard enclosed with a beautiful stone wall. The church service was held in the front yard underneath grape vines which was an absolutely beautiful setting. We sang songs in Albanian (some with familiar tunes) and Mark's sermon was in English, translated into Albanian. He spoke freely of the 14 year old's death a month ago and honestly talked about his own struggles with why it happened and where God was. Daily he spends time with the mourning father of the girl, his friend, which is opening his eyes. While Albanians attended the service it was largely an international service as it included summer volunteers and staff members from England, Canada, the States, Kosovo, France, Finland, Germany, and a few other countries. It was a wonderful service and afterwards there was a time of fellowship in the church's backyard where young adults played volleyball, and others enjoyed Kool-aid (that's where the donated Kool-Aid is being used), cookies, and visited with each other. After church Ruthie, with the help of others on our team, prepared a wonderful roasted chicken dinner. At the end of the meal she served a birthday cake for the four team members who are celebrating b"days (two of them today) and then we recognized the birthday of our nation on this 4th of July. We all sang God Bless America and I got so teary-eyed as I was overwhelmed with the appreciation of where I live and the freedoms we all take for granted (by the way, I wasn't the only tear-eyed person).
Yesterday, Saturday, we worked in our crews in the morning (I stained the playground benches I'd previously prepared) and then I, along with two other ladies from our group, walked to the market two blocks away with Ruthie, Mark's wife, to buy lunch makings. The campers left Saturday morning, so instead of having our lunch and dinner at camp, we are eating at the Stoscher's home. The small corner market sold lots of fresh vegetables so Ruthie decided to make a chicken vegetable soup (remember, she's feeding 28 - our group, her family, her parents and niece). Albanians shop daily, just like in Europe, so we bought just want we needed for lunch and dinner. Once back home I was happy to assist in the kitchen chopping and preparing the soup, a tomato/cucumber/onion/feta salad, and drop biscuits for lunch. Dessert was sliced watermelon (really delicious here, and we've had it a lot). After lunch, and since the camp was closed, the staff opened their rock climbing wall and small ropes course for us. I made it three quarters of the way up the rock wall, then up a swinging ladder, across a swinging bridge holding only a rope and down a zipline. It was a small scale ropes course as compared to ones like at Calvin Crest camp but it was challenging enough. It was a really great activity to bond the team as we encouraged and cheered each other on. We've had rain every afternoon but today the clouds held it in with only a sprinkle now and then.
Saturday evening we prepared yet another big meal of macaroni, beef strip chili topped with all sorts of fresh veggies, more tomato/cucumber salad, and raw carrots. Love all the fresh veggies here! On Saturday evenings there is usually a dance at the church but we discovered that because the church is in mourning over their loss, and out of respect for their family who is mourning, the dance was cancelled. The locals met at the church for some social time and then for about two hours people in town stroll the streets. We joined in and enjoyed an evening walk around town.
This afternoon, Sunday, we have free time so some of us will go for a hike in the hills and others will walk around town. I think I'll walk around town since I haven't seen much of it other than my stroll last night. Our group has bible study every evening which requires quite a bit of personal preparation beforehand. I have to squeeze reading and studying time in between work time, meals, and bedtime which at times is challenging. Days like Saturday and today where we aren't as busy make it a lot easier to focus on bible study which allows me to participate when the group meets. Well, it's off to walk, look, see, and appreciate where I am.
Yesterday, Saturday, we worked in our crews in the morning (I stained the playground benches I'd previously prepared) and then I, along with two other ladies from our group, walked to the market two blocks away with Ruthie, Mark's wife, to buy lunch makings. The campers left Saturday morning, so instead of having our lunch and dinner at camp, we are eating at the Stoscher's home. The small corner market sold lots of fresh vegetables so Ruthie decided to make a chicken vegetable soup (remember, she's feeding 28 - our group, her family, her parents and niece). Albanians shop daily, just like in Europe, so we bought just want we needed for lunch and dinner. Once back home I was happy to assist in the kitchen chopping and preparing the soup, a tomato/cucumber/onion/feta salad, and drop biscuits for lunch. Dessert was sliced watermelon (really delicious here, and we've had it a lot). After lunch, and since the camp was closed, the staff opened their rock climbing wall and small ropes course for us. I made it three quarters of the way up the rock wall, then up a swinging ladder, across a swinging bridge holding only a rope and down a zipline. It was a small scale ropes course as compared to ones like at Calvin Crest camp but it was challenging enough. It was a really great activity to bond the team as we encouraged and cheered each other on. We've had rain every afternoon but today the clouds held it in with only a sprinkle now and then.
Saturday evening we prepared yet another big meal of macaroni, beef strip chili topped with all sorts of fresh veggies, more tomato/cucumber salad, and raw carrots. Love all the fresh veggies here! On Saturday evenings there is usually a dance at the church but we discovered that because the church is in mourning over their loss, and out of respect for their family who is mourning, the dance was cancelled. The locals met at the church for some social time and then for about two hours people in town stroll the streets. We joined in and enjoyed an evening walk around town.
This afternoon, Sunday, we have free time so some of us will go for a hike in the hills and others will walk around town. I think I'll walk around town since I haven't seen much of it other than my stroll last night. Our group has bible study every evening which requires quite a bit of personal preparation beforehand. I have to squeeze reading and studying time in between work time, meals, and bedtime which at times is challenging. Days like Saturday and today where we aren't as busy make it a lot easier to focus on bible study which allows me to participate when the group meets. Well, it's off to walk, look, see, and appreciate where I am.
Friday, July 2, 2010
Pictures from Camp
Over the last three days our team has been broken into three different crews. A roofing crew, a playground restoration crew, and those who worked at the camp. I've been on the playground crew so we've been sanding, replacing rotting boards, repairing, and painting. We all go to camp for lunch, dinner, and their evening program. Here are some pictures from camp - Udhekryq (Crossroads) - for you to enjoy.
Update on Abby
Abby came home from the hospital late Friday afternoon. They ruled out internal bleeding and nothing is broken. As is understandable she is very sore all over. She is bruised on her back not only from the fall but because she hit a broken branch on the way down. She walks very gingerly and with someone's help but we all so thankful she is doing so well. She could have gotten hurt so much worse.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Please Pray for the Stoschers
This past month has been very difficult for Mark and his family so I know they would really appreciate your prayers. Mark, Ruthie, and their four children - Stephen 7, James 9, Becca 12, and Abby 15 - live in the town of Erseke (population 5,000) and Mark is the pastor of the Christian church. They bought a home in the late 90s and expanded it in the hopes of providing an orphanage which was needed at the time. When the house was completed and the country's anarchy was behind them the orphange wasn't needed so the 10 room home became a ministry home and was used to fill various needs. The Stoschers moved into the house three years ago and constantly have people in and out of their home. Mark's church is right across the street so often their home is used as an extension of the church.
Just a month ago a tragic accident occured which has shook up the entire community. While the youth group from church was on a hike in the local countryside a random boulder hit a 14 year old girl in the back. She immediately began coughing up blood and had great difficulty breathing. Mark and emergency help were able to get her to a hospital but she didn't survive. The young lady was Abby's close friend, and Becca was there when it happened. The girl's dad is active in Mark's church and a very close friend of his. Not only did the Stoschers' lose someone they loved but the community, especially the church community, has relied on him heavily during this time. Young boys have been meeting in the Stoscher's home nightly since the accident trying to console each other and make sense of a seemingly senseless act. As is the Albanian custom, the family will not leave their home for 40 days, expect to visit their daughter's gravesite each morning, and the mother will wear black for the rest of her life.
To add to the load Mark is carrying, last week Ruthie's parents, who are retired missionaries living in Pakistan, came to visit. Her mom got very sick and it was felt she had malaria so Ruthie drove her parents to Greece for medical care. She was there when we first arrived in Albania. Keep in mind that Mark was meeting us in Tirana, Ruthie is in Greece, their children are being taken care of by Mark's camp co-director and his wife, and their house is being prepared for our arrival. Their dining room is converted into a bedroom by others, the table now sits in the middle of the kitchen, the girls move out of their room and in with their brothers, and mattresses are added to rooms to accomodate our group of 19. Mark was in constant contact with Ruthie while she was in Greece and the good news was that Ruthe's mom didn't have malaria but a kidney infection so after receiving treatment Ruthie brought her parents back to their home in Erseke yesterday afternoon.
Within just an hour or so of Ruthie's return and getting her parents settled, Abby was climbing their cherry tree in the backyard and fell about 15 feet to the ground. The wind was sucked out of her lungs and she couldn't breathe and Becca immediately started yelling for her mother. Most of us were in the house at the time and fortunately we have a doctor and a nurse in our group. After careful evaluation they determined they could move her into the house and later in the evening it was decided she should go to the hospital for x-rays and tests. Good news came later that she didn't break a rib, but that they would keep her overnight for evaluation and to give her fluids. Ruthie spent the night in the hospital with her and as I write this (Thursday morning) the plan is to keep her in the hospital for most of today and release her this afternoon.
I actually feel really bad being here as the Stochers certainly don't need a houseful of people. Three of our group are staying across the street at the church but 16 of us are here, plus Ruthie's parents, plus Ruthie's niece from Pakistan who joined us in Durres, plus a friend of Stephen's - that's 29 people in a home that's really not that big. Our group eats breakfasts at the house, lunch and dinner at the camp. 19 of us share two bathrooms and their is another bathroom the family members use. We all pitch in but can you imagine all these people in your "space" when you just need to deal with your family and community issues? Please pray that God continues to give the Stoschers the strength they need.
Just a month ago a tragic accident occured which has shook up the entire community. While the youth group from church was on a hike in the local countryside a random boulder hit a 14 year old girl in the back. She immediately began coughing up blood and had great difficulty breathing. Mark and emergency help were able to get her to a hospital but she didn't survive. The young lady was Abby's close friend, and Becca was there when it happened. The girl's dad is active in Mark's church and a very close friend of his. Not only did the Stoschers' lose someone they loved but the community, especially the church community, has relied on him heavily during this time. Young boys have been meeting in the Stoscher's home nightly since the accident trying to console each other and make sense of a seemingly senseless act. As is the Albanian custom, the family will not leave their home for 40 days, expect to visit their daughter's gravesite each morning, and the mother will wear black for the rest of her life.
To add to the load Mark is carrying, last week Ruthie's parents, who are retired missionaries living in Pakistan, came to visit. Her mom got very sick and it was felt she had malaria so Ruthie drove her parents to Greece for medical care. She was there when we first arrived in Albania. Keep in mind that Mark was meeting us in Tirana, Ruthie is in Greece, their children are being taken care of by Mark's camp co-director and his wife, and their house is being prepared for our arrival. Their dining room is converted into a bedroom by others, the table now sits in the middle of the kitchen, the girls move out of their room and in with their brothers, and mattresses are added to rooms to accomodate our group of 19. Mark was in constant contact with Ruthie while she was in Greece and the good news was that Ruthe's mom didn't have malaria but a kidney infection so after receiving treatment Ruthie brought her parents back to their home in Erseke yesterday afternoon.
Within just an hour or so of Ruthie's return and getting her parents settled, Abby was climbing their cherry tree in the backyard and fell about 15 feet to the ground. The wind was sucked out of her lungs and she couldn't breathe and Becca immediately started yelling for her mother. Most of us were in the house at the time and fortunately we have a doctor and a nurse in our group. After careful evaluation they determined they could move her into the house and later in the evening it was decided she should go to the hospital for x-rays and tests. Good news came later that she didn't break a rib, but that they would keep her overnight for evaluation and to give her fluids. Ruthie spent the night in the hospital with her and as I write this (Thursday morning) the plan is to keep her in the hospital for most of today and release her this afternoon.
I actually feel really bad being here as the Stochers certainly don't need a houseful of people. Three of our group are staying across the street at the church but 16 of us are here, plus Ruthie's parents, plus Ruthie's niece from Pakistan who joined us in Durres, plus a friend of Stephen's - that's 29 people in a home that's really not that big. Our group eats breakfasts at the house, lunch and dinner at the camp. 19 of us share two bathrooms and their is another bathroom the family members use. We all pitch in but can you imagine all these people in your "space" when you just need to deal with your family and community issues? Please pray that God continues to give the Stoschers the strength they need.
Campership Check Presented
I was truly honored and privileged yesterday, just before we left Durres, to present Mark Stoscher with the campership check that many of you contributed to. I welled up with emotion (as I am right now as I write this) when I told him how much he and his ministry meant to everyone back home and that as I result $2725 had been collected for the children's camperships. I had no idea that so much would be raised, in fact I had hoped for a lofty goal of $1500 and all your generosity surpassed that! Mark welled up too and we hugged, breaking apart only because it was time to board the bus. Today Mark made a point of telling me how overwhelmed he is with everyone's kindness and he wants everyone to know how much he truly appreciates their support.
On a side note, back in mid-May Mark emailed me that World Vision's new office in Korce, which is about an hour away, called to see if they could bring 100 kids to camp this summer. Mark's words - "Last year World Vision sent 60 kids who came from remote Muslim villages near the Adriatic coast. Most of them had never seen a Bible before or heard of Jesus. But they were SO open. The first day, they did not know any of the songs. They did not know what prayer was. but by the last day, there were singing with their whole hearts and many of them were praying out loud with their group leaders and counselors. It was incredible to see. I got teary on several occasions, actually." When I talking to Mark today I made reference to the fact that the campership check will campership 109 children and so perhaps it would cover those 100 World Vision kids. He got a big smile on his face and said that World Vision is actually sending over 400 kids this summer!!! Isn't that so awesome? Think of the lives that are changed with just a one week camp experience. And you are a big part of that.
On a side note, back in mid-May Mark emailed me that World Vision's new office in Korce, which is about an hour away, called to see if they could bring 100 kids to camp this summer. Mark's words - "Last year World Vision sent 60 kids who came from remote Muslim villages near the Adriatic coast. Most of them had never seen a Bible before or heard of Jesus. But they were SO open. The first day, they did not know any of the songs. They did not know what prayer was. but by the last day, there were singing with their whole hearts and many of them were praying out loud with their group leaders and counselors. It was incredible to see. I got teary on several occasions, actually." When I talking to Mark today I made reference to the fact that the campership check will campership 109 children and so perhaps it would cover those 100 World Vision kids. He got a big smile on his face and said that World Vision is actually sending over 400 kids this summer!!! Isn't that so awesome? Think of the lives that are changed with just a one week camp experience. And you are a big part of that.
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