Travel with me to Albania

Where is Albania you ask? Officially known as The Republic of Albania, the nation is located in South Eastern Europe. The country sits across the Adriatic Sea from the heel of Italy with Greece as its south and southeastern neighbor. Albania is about the size of the state of Maryland with a population of 3.1 million people. Its per capita income is approximately $2,580 and more than a quarter of the population lives below the poverty level, making Albania one of the poorest countries in Europe. Often family members will work in neighboring Greece and send money home to provide for their families.

In 1967 the communist government created the world's first officially atheistic country when it outlawed all religions. It was ruled by the most repressive and isolated regime in Europe until 1991, when it became the last country to emerge from the communist regime. Since then the nation has struggled through years of political instability and ecomonic collapse. An outbreak of civil disorder erupted in 1997, followed by an influx of 460,000 Kosovar refugees in 1998. This increased the burden on the already deteriorating political, ecomonic, and social infrastructures. Today Albanians enjoy full religous freedom. and while the government is an "emerging democracy" maintaining infrastructure is extremely difficult, especially in rural areas.

Alongside Ministries International hosts the Crossroads Christian Camp in Erseke in southern Albania. The children and youth are introduced to Jesus Christ and loved on by Christians in a one-week camp enviroment that includes crafts, games, bible lessons, and a ropes course (don't we all love camp!). I feel very priviledged to be part of bringing Christ into the lives of these young people.

Excerpts borrowed from World Vision

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Drive to Erseke

Yesterday we took the 6.5 hr drive (with a lunch stop) through the gorgeous green hills and mountains from Durres to Erseke which is located in southern Albania. We were in a comfortable air conditioned coach bus but the windy, bumpy trip left a few of us queasy. I loved looking out the window as we drove through small towns, corn fields, vineyards, and olive trees. We saw lots of donkeys being used for riding, pulling carts, and hauling. Saw sheep, goats, some cattle also. Sadly there was lots of trash littering the roads and rivers. The most interesting thing we saw were the cement bunkers that are littered throughout the countryside (photo above). They were built during the communist era as the people were told "the big bad Americans were going to bomb them". Looking at them made me feel sad for the people who were fed propaganda and lived in total dependence of the communist party and what information they wanted to fed the people.

We arrived in Erseke in the late afternoon and were welcomed with thunder and lighting. We are in the mountains at about 3500 feet so the air is cooler and less humid. We are staying at House of Hope which is where Mark and his family live. The house was originally bought and expanded to be an orphanage in the late 90s when Albania was going through an anarchy. But the need went away so the house was turned into a ministry house and used for many purposes. Mark and his family moved in three years ago and host people all the time. I am in a room with 4 other ladies on a top bunk. 19 of us are sharing two bathrooms but the accomodations are much nicer than I anticipated they would be. We tooked the 15 minute walk to camp after arriving where camp is hosting 115 9-12 years old. The kids are very friendly and don't hestiate to introduce themselves. Some speak pretty good english. We ate dinner with the campers and then sat in on their evening praise singing program. One of the 13 year volunteer counselors named Maggie who I met earilier took my hand and insisted that I sit with her. When they sang she wanted me to stand next to her and partipate which was quite interesting trying to read Albanian words on a screen and learn all the hand motions. She was so pleased that I tried. After walking back to House of Hope in the rain our group met for devotionals and then fell into bed very tired.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

The City of Duress

There is no Internet in our hotel and I didn't want to venture out on my own to find an Internet cafe. I was actually warned that a single woman shouldn't go out on her own, so thanks Rod for posting this from my Blackberry email to you.

We flew into Tirana on Monday and saw the absolutely beautifully green mountains, hills, and valleys from the air (Albania's topography is three quarters mountainous). The airport, although not very big, is only three years old and is very nice. The Germans built it and will run it for a number of years before they give it to the Albanians. Upon arriving we were met by Mark Stoscher, whose camp ministry I am here to support, and Jen Hicks, a young adult daughter of a couple on our team. Jen attended Mark's bible school this past winter and came back a couple of weeks ago. Durres is on the Adriatic Sea and was formerly a major port for the Roman Empire in its heyday. The Roman trade route ran from Italy, across the Adriatic, to Durres (called something else back then) and continued onto Constantinople (now called Istanbul, but formerly the imperial capital during the Byzantine period). Back then the city's population was 80,000 and today the city and all its surrounding area is 630,000.

Today Durres still shows visible signs from their 40 year communist era. Most buildings are drab in color and are in need of repair - remnants of a time when private ownership and pride didn't exist. Not to say the city is void of color as there are splashs of color in billboards, store signage, outdoor restaurant furniture, etc. The city is surprisingly clean of trash, cars are small as in Europe, there is hardly any green landscaping, power lines are strung through the air and along the sides of buildings, and power isn't available 24/7 (we've only experienced one black-out which was in the middle of the night). Water isn't drinkable, at least to us Americans, so we drink bottled water but there's no problem eating salads and veggies washed in the water. Like in Europe, smoking is widespread. Mark told me laws are "suggestions" so although, for example, the driving age is 18 I'm told you see children driving who can barely see over the steering wheel. Also, there isn't any enforcement on the age which children can drink or buy cigarettes (in fact, children are on the streets selling cigarettes).

The weather is in the high 70s but it feels a whole lot hotter as it's pretty humid (yes, my hair is curling by itself). We are staying in a hotel which is very simple, clean, and a bit unique with rooms larger than the European standard. I'm staying in an oddly shaped room with four other women and we have our own bathroom. The bathroom floor and walls are beautifully tiled but the shower wouldn't be called a shower in the States. It's merely a 3' x 3k tiled area in the bathroom's corner with a slightly raised perimeter and a hand held faucet. We have hot water but you guessed it, when you shower, or should I say hose off, the entire bathroom gets wet. Toilet paper can't be flushed (what do you think that wastebasket next to the toilet is for) and of course, our bathroom contains a toilet and a bidet.

So far the food has been very good. Yesterday I had pizza for lunch (I know, not very adventuresome) which is very similar to the pizza found in Italy-very thin crust, small amount of tomato sauce, sparse toppings but so delicious. Last night I decided to have lamb since it's big here. We saw and smelled it cooking over a spit so I couldn't resist. It came with delicious sliced tomatoes, cucumbers, french fries, and a thick yogurt cucumber dip - all for $8. (By the way I could have ordered roasted lamb head but thought I'd play it safe). Albania's currency is the Lek which exchanges at 90 Leks to the dollar. So, basically when a menu says something costs 800 we translate that to $8.00.

Today the group visited the old city wall which dates back to 491 AD - like so many European cities the city was enclosed by high stone walls to protect them from their enemies. We also visited the ancient 2nd century amphitheater (a.k.a. coliseum) of which about half has been excavated. Here 18,000 spectators (as a comparison, the Roman Coliseum held 80,000) would amuse themselves by watching the fights of gladiators (many of whom were slaves) and animals. Christians were also martyred there at one point. It would never be allowed in the States but here we were able to roam throughout the amphitheater freely - through tunnels, climbing over original steps and seats, into tiny underground nooks and crannies - oh well, so much for preservation.

Our hotel is just a couple of blocks from the beach. Six story hotels line the long beach and look a bit like Cancun. The breeze is wonderfully cooling and roaming vendors sell barbecued corn, fried donuts, fruit, cigarettes, and suntan lotion. They don't bother you like Mexican vendors do so a quick 'yo', a shake of your finger, and an up and down nod of the head means no. The nod is so hard to remember because our yes nod means no here and visa versa. The saddest thing we saw on the beach and streets were the gypsy children who physically beg. "Yo" doesn't work with them as they will throw their arms around your waist and hold onto you to the point that you have to be aggressive and physically remove them from your body. Our group was walking down the main street last night and a little girl wrapped herself around a lady's leg and wouldn't let go even as our group member dragged her down the street as she tried to walk. Good thing Mark is with us and speaks Albanian but even he had to be very forceful. He explained that the gypsy children live in group homes and are sent out to beg for food and money. It's a trafficking scheme that some Christian groups are working to improve but it's a slow process.

Tomorrow we'll board a bus and take the six hour drive south to Erseke where the Crossroads Christian Camp is located. I hear the ride is one to be remembered - it's approximately 150 miles to Erseke but takes six hours if that gives you an idea of the driving conditions.

Monday, June 28, 2010

From Duress, Albania

After almost missing my flight from SFO, I met up with the Dundee Presbyterian team in Chicago, and we made our way to Tirana, Albania, the capital and only commercial airport in Albania. We are staying in a seaside city, Duress, just west from there for two nights. There's so much I'd like to write about that I've already learned about the Albanian culture but I can't get an internet connection so I emailed this post to Rod on my Blackberry and asked him to post it. I'll write more as soon as I can get an Internet connection.

Made it!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

You Are A Blessing

Thank you, thank you to everyone who contributed to the Albanian Children's Campership Fund. $2725 was donated which means 109 children, who might not otherwise be able to attend the Crossroads Christian Camp, will hear the good news of Jesus Christ - many for the first time. You are truly a blessing to these children and the result of your blessing may well be life changing.

After repacking and reweighing my suitcase at least five times I'm ready to leave for Albania tomorrow morning. I received so many donations of Kool-Aid, antibiotic ointment, first aid supplies, stickers, ribbon, coloring books, crayons, and the like that I had to pull out clothes to ensure I didn't go over the airline's weight limit. Along with my suitcase at the maximum weight limit I'm also taking a very heavy carry-on. Your gifts are invaluable so I'm determined to take every last one of them. Along with my clothes I'm taking my own sheets, towels, TP, sleeping blanket, and construction tools but it's unbelievable how quickly everything adds up.

I fly to Chicago to meet up with 11 members of the team I'm joining from Dundee Presbyterian Church located in Omaha, Nebraska. From Chicago we fly to Munich, meet up with five more team members, then fly to Tirana the capital of Albania. About 16 hours and three flights after leaving San Francisco I'll arrive in Albania. Stay tuned to find out how the trip went.

Monday, June 21, 2010


Yesterday at Trinity's worship service I was very blessed to be commissioned for my upcoming trip. As I stood in front of the congregation with Pastor Mary the congregation raised their hands toward me and she prayed for the task God has called me to, the people of Albania that I may touch, and for my safety. It was truly a humbling experience.

A very dear friend emailed me a week ago as he offered encouragement and strength for my journey. He shared this passage that comes from The Message and refers to the Great Commission (Matthew 16-20). Meanwhile, the eleven disciples were on their way to Galilee, headed for the mountain Jesus had set for their reunion. The moment they saw him they worshiped him. Some, though, held back not sure about worship, about risking themselves totally. Jesus, undeterred, went right ahead and gave his charge: "God authorized and commanded me to commission you: Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you". There's more to the passage but my friend wanted to make sure I knew how it finishes: I'll be with you as you do this, day after day, right up to the end of the age. YOU WON'T BE ALONE. We often do feel alone so what a wonderful and sweet reminder this was to me as I step way out beyond my comfort zone but also knowing that God has a purpose in my going to Albania.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Two weeks to go!

In just two weeks I'll be heading to Albania. Better start packing.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Counting the Days!

Just 22 days until I leave for Albania! Wow, it will be here before I know it.